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It is true that “Rome wasn’t built in a day”, however, it is also safe to say that “Rome can be ruined in a single night”.
The military coup on February 1, 2021 wholly destroyed the dreams, hopes and lives of the Myanmar people. Just in one night, everything turned upside-down in a short moment, causing the collapse of the institutions that people have been building and sacrificing for decades.
The impact of this coup even worsened the lives of people who have always been the most vulnerable in the country. This includes people whom we are working for. They live in areas with the highest poverty rate in Myanmar. Therefore, the PARCIC food and non-food items aid to the state is one of the most effective works for them.
Realistically speaking, to rebuild and reform Myanmar to be a peaceful and prosperous country needs decades of time with billions of investments. However, the kids, women and elderly people in IDP camps cannot wait any longer but need urgent support from people around the world. These people need urgent support to survive in the midst of these man-made disasters.
Therefore, the PARCIC Team in Myanmar is trying our best to check and identify the most vulnerable people so that they can be alive and face the community challenges. Truly, every little bit helps. For us, every penny counts.